Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Charging for Online News Content
Everyone in the print publishing world is thinking about how to get consumers to pay for really good content. Interesting article on NYT’s Keller: We’re Looking For Ways To Charge For Online Content Again.

I really like the idea of "Cable Channels for Content" proposed Carolyn Kay. Tim O'Reilly supports that concept and points to the Safari model for books. You buy a monthly subscription and get access to 100s of books. He claims that this accounts for 20% of O'Reilly books revenue (second after Amazon).

The question is how will the currently free content be taken to a paid model. It was easier for books as books were never given away free on the internet. However, it is very hard to charge for something that the customer has received for (practically) free for over 100 years. Maybe, the magazines need to start on this model?

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