Saturday, February 10, 2007

Widgets and Webtops: The demise of the URL

It is very dangerous to make predictions, especially on a blog that will be around for everyone to search and find for ever. However, what fun is life without risk!

I feel that within the next 3-5 years, we will stop typing URLs or using bookmarks to visit websites for news, pictures, videos, e-mail, instant messages and entertainment. On the contrary, our needs will be met by our personalized Homesite built with a diverse set of Widgets on one of the more popular Webtops (netvibes, pageflakes, google personalized homepage, microsoft, etc.) accessible on a PC, television or a smart mobile device. All our information and collaboration will occur at our Homesite. We will be able to control access to sections of our Homesite (Pages or Widgets). We will find new information via Searching for public widgets or pages and secured widgets and pages that our friends or company share with us.

This, obviously, has broad implications and raises a lot of questions. More on the topic in my future posts. Will love to hear you comments / views!

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