Saturday, January 27, 2007

Wikinomics - the art and science of peer production

Don and Anthony have done a great job of describing the enormous change in how people and businesses collaborate on the new Web to inform, to entertain and to create value. A few takeaways:

  • The web is fast becoming a giant computer that everyone can program
  • Public squares are being created on the web where people meet or congregate just to hang out (How about this future business? travel agencies that help you visit interesting web destinations. Wild, eh!)
  • Open source software was just the beginning, people are collaborating across the globe to innovate and create new stuff in all sorts of domains (analyzing geological data to identify gold mines in Canada, produce cheaper motorcycles in china, ...)
  • Marketplaces (Ideagoras) for ideas, innovation and uniquely qualified minds to sell their expertise are sprouting everywhere. Check out: InnoCentive, yourencore, InnvovationExchange (search Google and the list is long), eureka medical, Innovation Relay Center, etc. WOW ... I know what I will be doing when I retire
  • Consumers are actively participating in enhancing existing products and creating new ones

This book is a must read!

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